
Surf and Turf celebration from the archives!

I've been meaning to post something for awhile but to be totally honest I shifted from in-house meals to out-of-house meals more and more. I don't like it...but it happened. Let's do what we can to get it corrected...

Here is a surf and turf from the archives, dates June 09/2010, a wednesday. Pretty good wednesday dinner if you ask me!

King crab is the only crab to buy. If all you have available is snow crab...go get yourself something else to eat. Most of the time you can only find golden crab but when you can get red(also called blue) do so!

I'm getting so hungry already...this is a ridculous exercise in torture.

Obviously I'm a fan of sauted mushrooms! If you haven't sauted mushrooms (or anything for that matter), Saute means to fry at a high heat. Use whatever kind of fat you want. Clarified butter is best but also regular butter, olive oil etc. Get your pan nice and hot, don't be afraid to leave it there for a few seconds longer after you think its ready. Toss in the fat (regular butter burns at a lower temperature so be careful), throw in the mushrooms, spice them and cook them till they are golden delicious! Some people like them cooked all to hell and back and others like them a little fresh.

Now some people might be wide eyed at the lump of delliciousness being on that their potato, rest assured, I'm a butter professional.

There were some other pictures somewhere of the bread used for this beast. It was (you can just see a little of it) a cheese bun that I split, butter and it stuffed big chunks of garlic in it. Grilled it alongside the steak for the last few minutes and viola.

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My blog is worth $2,000,000 The fat recipes are like gold.
How much is your blog worth?